Tools for Sopranos (and devs !)


Extension to always display the last digits of the version number of Vivaldi in a badge. When clicked, it shows some infos that could be copied in the clipboard by clicking on them.
Vver.crx v0.4.0, updated the 2018-08-22. Changelog : add Chrome Version.

Jira Shortcut

This add a shortcut to Jira to watch/unwatch. It uses 'ð' which is AltGr+h on my keyboard, which is easy to do while using j/k to go down/up while unlikely to be used by me in a textfield. Feel free to adapt to your needs. And yeah, I know, it might be useful only for me ;)
jira_shortcut.user.js v0.0.1


NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE : New Slack broke everything, and my usage didn't need those anymore. Feel free to fork if necessary.


Transform every VB-XXXX in Slack to a link to the right bug in Jira.
slackjira.user.js v0.1.6, updated the 2018-06-13.
I modified this script recently, and it seems to have a little speed boost. BUT, it will have a bit less features (doesn't work in search results for example). I'll use this one from now on myself, but feel free to choose either one to fit your usage.
slackjiraalt.user.js v0.0.2, updated the 2018-08-02. Changelog : deactivate console.logs.

Remove Eightball

If you are using Slack/Jira, Eightball might annoy you, and take a lot of space on the chat log. Now, you can remove Eightball
removeeightball.user.js v0.0.3, updated the 2018-08-03. Changelog : fix when eightball was the last entry of the chat, and fixed a bug when you went back and forth from public to private chats.

Other Vivaldi tools

Vivaldi translation helper tool (PurePO2JSON)

Allow to transform any PO file to the JSON format used by Vivaldi, courtesy of An_dz and QuHno. The source is available on An_dz's GitHub page
I kept the legacy version, just in case : PO2JSON

Vivaldi translation transform tool (PO2CSV)

Allow to transform any PO file to the CSV, courtesy of An_dz, QuHno and myself. Be careful, it's very untested...


Vivaldi archive builds

List of all the old sopranos builds

List of all the old releases

Windows corner (really ?)

Here you'll find the only script possible for Windows

Standalone Vivaldi

A script courtesy of Ruarí that transform a package into a standalone Vivaldi : standalone-vivaldi.bat

Linux corner

Here are a few script to help you if you are on Linux. They may work also with Cygwin or elsewhere, but are not tested, at all...

Download Vivaldi

Sure, not that hard. But this one helps you do it on the command line, without bother. Here is /!\ Be careful, remember to configure your arch, package type, login and password before running !

Standalone Vivaldi

A script courtesy of Ruarí that transform a package into a standalone Vivaldi.

FFmpeg for Vivaldi

A script courtesy of GwenDragon that download and install the right libffmpeg from BlackIkeEagle's repo and install it :


To allow Vivaldi to play DRM'ed content, you have to have the Widevine library installed. To have it, you can run this script which will either copy the from the Chrome install folder, or will download a Chrome package to extract it, and then copy it in a folder Vivaldi can access. Script courtesy of Ruarí.

Run directly the package

Again, courtesy of Ruarí, a couple of scripts allowing to run Vivaldi directly from its package, without (manually) decompressing it. RVP and VPRC


To debug Vivaldi

Use the flags : --flag-switches-begin --debug-packed-apps --silent-debugger-extension-api --flag-switches-end
Go to vivaldi://inspect/#apps, and choose the top link.

To have a debug log on Chromium's level

Use the flags : –enable-logging --v=1
It will create a chrome_debug file in the root of userdata.

To have a log of media

Use the flags : --enable-logging=stderr --vmodule=*/platform_media*=7,*/media/*=3

Show Chrome settings


Vivaldi internal pages


Delete all traces of mails accounts

  1. Go to settings and delete all your mail accounts. If this doesn't work, look for the line "mail":{"accounts": in Preferences.
  2. Shut down Vivaldi
  3. Go to profile path and delete following folders :

Useful links

JSON Editor online :

REGEX Editor online :

A lot of scripts by Ruarí :

Chromium command line switches :

Chromium's JS API :

Chromium release schedule :